Is This Really Love - [eBook]

Author - Phillip George  |  Anticipated publication Oct 2019  |  ISBN : 978-1-912070-02-2  |  448 Pages

 £4.95 UK / $5.95 USA

Relationships, in all aspects of our lives, are inevitably complex. This is what makes our individual experiences so rich in terms of both good and bad; or anywhere in between. Mankind is capable of a huge range of emotions, which understandably lead to an infinite variety of ways in which we react to each other. To gain a much better appreciation for how we are able to achieve more rewarding relationships, we must first become more aware of our part in them.


To acknowledge that our attitudes towards any situation or another person is key to how things unfold, then we can start to see that by either changing the way in which we react to certain stimuli, or changing our view on things, outcomes will also change. Any interaction with another human being, male or female, and especially a group of individuals, requires a conscious appreciation of what's going on.


Up to now, people in general simply react to any given situation in the way that they have been socially conditioned to. Most responses are simply reflex and thoughtless while responding to beliefs, ideas, opinions and emotional stimuli. In this respect, all relationship outcomes are little more than a lottery.

If you are at all interested in changing your relationships to become more rewarding, for both parties, then this book will be a very valuable guide to doing so. Its unique insight into the whole subject will hopefully guide you to a much better understanding of why and how you react in the way that you do.


By following the dramas and triumphs of the different characters in ten short stories, you will see how your views and emotional responses are helpful to you or not. Having gained an appreciation of this, the opportunity to change things will then be available to you.


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